
Automatic Projector Calibration with Embedded Light Sensors

    •  Lee, J.C., Dietz, P.H., Maynes-Aminzade, D., Raskar, R., Hudson, S.E., "Automatic Projector Calibration with Embedded Light Sensors", ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), October 2004, pp. 123-126.
      BibTeX TR2004-036 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Lee2004oct1,
      • author = {Lee, J.C. and Dietz, P.H. and Maynes-Aminzade, D. and Raskar, R. and Hudson, S.E.},
      • title = {{Automatic Projector Calibration with Embedded Light Sensors}},
      • booktitle = {ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST)},
      • year = 2004,
      • pages = {123--126},
      • month = oct,
      • isbn = {1-58113-957-8},
      • url = {}
      • }
  • Research Area:

    Computer Vision


Projection technology typically places several constraints on the geometric relationship between the projector and the projection surface to obtain an undistorted, properly sized image. In this paper we describe a simple, robust, fast, and low-cost method for automatic projector calibration that eliminates many of these constraints. We embed light sensors in the target surface, project Gray-coded binary patterns to discover the sensor locations, and then prewarp the image to accurately fit the physical features of the projection surface. This technique can be expanded to automatically stitch multiple projectors, calibrate onto nonplanar surfaces for object decoration, and provide a method for simple geometry acquisition.


  • Related News & Events

    •  NEWS    UIST 2004: 2 publications by William Yerazunis, Paul Dietz, Ramesh Raskar and others
      Date: October 24, 2004
      Where: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST)
      MERL Contact: William S. Yerazunis
      Research Area: Data Analytics
      • The papers "Automatic Projector Calibration with Embedded Light Sensors" by Lee, J.C., Dietz, P.H., Maynes-Aminzade, D., Raskar, R. and Hudson, S.E. and "Haptic Pen: A Tactile Feedback Stylus for Touch Screens" by Lee, J.C., Dietz, P.H., Leigh, D., Yerazunis, W.S. and Hudson, S.E. were presented at the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST).