
Tracking People in Mixed Modality Systems

    •  Ivanov, Y., Sorokin, A., Wren, C., Kaur, I., "Tracking People in Mixed Modality Systems", SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), January 2007, vol. 6508.
      BibTeX TR2007-011 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Ivanov2007jan,
      • author = {Ivanov, Y. and Sorokin, A. and Wren, C. and Kaur, I.},
      • title = {{Tracking People in Mixed Modality Systems}},
      • booktitle = {SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP)},
      • year = 2007,
      • volume = 6508,
      • month = jan,
      • url = {}
      • }

In traditional surveillance systems tracking of objects is achieved by means of image and video processing. The disadvantages of such surveillance systems is that if an object needs to be tracked - it has to be observed by a video camera. However, geometries of indoor spaces typically require a large number of video cameras to provide the coverage necessary for robust operation of video-based tracking algorithms. Increased number of video streams increases the computational burden on the surveillance system in order to obtain robust tracking results. In this paper we present an approach to tracking in mixed modality systems, with a variety of sensors. The system described here includes over 200 motion sensors as well as 6 moving cameras. We track individuals in the entire space and across cameras using contextual information available from the motion sensors. Motion sensors allow us to almost instantaneously find plausible tracks in a very large volume of data, ranging in months, which for traditional video search approaches could be virtually impossible. We describe a method that allows us to evaluate when the tracking system is unreliable and present the data to a human operator for disambiguation.


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      Date: January 29, 2007
      Where: SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP)
      MERL Contact: Anthony Vetro
      • The papers "Tracking People in Mixed Modality Systems" by Ivanov, Y., Sorokin, A., Wren, C. and Kaur, I., "Collaborative Tracking of Objects in EPTZ Cameras" by Bashir, F. and Porikli, F. and "Surveillance System with Mega-Pixel Scalable Transcoder" by Hata, T., Kuwahara, N., Schwenke, D. and Vetro, A. were presented at the SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP).