Cascaded Reference Governor-MPC for Motion Control of Two-Stage Manufacturing Machines
- "Cascaded Reference Governor-MPC for Motion Control of Two-Stage Manufacturing Machines", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2018.2847627, July 2018.BibTeX TR2018-083 PDF
- @article{DiCairano2018jul,
- author = {{Di Cairano}, S. and Goldsmith, A. and Kalabić, U. and Bortoff, S.A.},
- title = {{Cascaded Reference Governor-MPC for Motion Control of Two-Stage Manufacturing Machines}},
- journal = {IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology},
- year = 2018,
- month = jul,
- doi = {10.1109/TCST.2018.2847627},
- url = {}
- }
- "Cascaded Reference Governor-MPC for Motion Control of Two-Stage Manufacturing Machines", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2018.2847627, July 2018.
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Research Areas:
Two-stage processing machines for manufacturing are equipped with two sets of actuators for motion control with different operating ranges and bandwidths. The processing time, product quality and flexibility of the manufacturing process can be optimized by coordinating these actuators and exploiting the entire actuator operating range. We propose a motion control strategy for two-stage processing machines based on model predictive control (MPC). By exploiting timescale separation, we formulate the problem as a single-stage motion control with reference-dependent constraints. Feasibility of the MPC problem is guaranteed by using a reference governor that adjusts the feed rate. The proposed method guarantees correct processing while satisfying the actuators' range and dynamics constraints, finite time processing of a given spatial pattern and real-time execution even with limited computational resources. Simulation and experimental results on a real processing pattern are shown for a scaled laboratory demonstration machine.
Related News & Events
NEWS Uros Kalabic spoke on reference governors at the MSU Mechanical Engineering Seminar Date: February 12, 2019
Where: Michigan State University
MERL Contacts: Scott A. Bortoff; Stefano Di Cairano; Abraham Goldsmith
Research Areas: Control, Dynamical SystemsBrief- Uros Kalabic, of MERL's Control and Dynamical Systems group, gave a talk at the Michigan State University Mechanical Engineering Seminar. The talk, entitled "Reference governors: Industrial applications and theoretical advances," covered some of the exciting research being done at MERL on reference governors and briefly described MERL's other research areas. The abstract of the talk can be found via the link below.