Threshold Selection for UWB TOA Estimation Based on Kurtosis Analysis
- "Threshold Selection for UWB TOA Estimation Based on Kurtosis Analysis", IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 9, No. 12, pp. 1025-1027, December 2005.BibTeX TR2005-121 PDF
- @article{Guvenc2005dec,
- author = {Guvenc, I. and Sahinoglu, Z.},
- title = {{Threshold Selection for UWB TOA Estimation Based on Kurtosis Analysis}},
- journal = {IEEE Communications Letters},
- year = 2005,
- volume = 9,
- number = 12,
- pages = {1025--1027},
- month = dec,
- issn = {1089-7798},
- url = {}
- }
- "Threshold Selection for UWB TOA Estimation Based on Kurtosis Analysis", IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 9, No. 12, pp. 1025-1027, December 2005.
Research Area:
In this letter, a threshold selection technique for time of arrival estimation of ultra-wideband signals is proposed. It exploits the Kurtosis of the received signal samples. The dependency between the Kurtosis and optimal normalized threshold are investigated via simulations. The proposed technique yields efficient threshold selections, has low complexity and sampling rate requirements, and accounts both the signal to noise ratio and the statistics of individual channel realization.
Related News & Events
NEWS IEEE Communications Letters: publication by Zafer Sahinoglu and others Date: December 15, 2005
Where: IEEE Communications Letters
Research Area: Signal ProcessingBrief- The article "Threshold Selection for UWB TOA Estimation Based on Kurtosis Analysis" by Guvenc, I. and Sahinoglu, Z. was published in IEEE Communications Letters.