
Autonomous Horizon-Based Optical Navigation on Near-Planar Cislunar Libration Point Orbits

    •  Shimane, Y., Ho, K., Weiss, A., "Autonomous Horizon-Based Optical Navigation on Near-Planar Cislunar Libration Point Orbits", 4th Space Imaging Workshop, October 2024, pp. SIW24-27.
      BibTeX TR2024-139 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Shimane2024oct,
      • author = {Shimane, Yuri and Ho, Koki and Weiss, Avishai},
      • title = {{Autonomous Horizon-Based Optical Navigation on Near-Planar Cislunar Libration Point Orbits}},
      • booktitle = {4th Space Imaging Workshop},
      • year = 2024,
      • pages = {SIW24--27},
      • month = oct,
      • url = {}
      • }
  • MERL Contact:
  • Research Areas:

    Computer Vision, Control, Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing


We study the use of horizon-based optical navigation on near-planar libration point orbits in cis- lunar space. Particularities that arise from the space- craft’s motion being nearly in-plane with the Sun’s motion around the Moon are highlighted. The performance is studied through extensive Monte-Carlo simulation using a synthetic image generation pipeline, feeding measurements at various user-defined time intervals to an ex- tended Kalman filter.