NEWS Ankush Chakrabarty gave an invited talk on machine learning for constrained control at AI for Engineering in Toronto
Date released: August 19, 2019
NEWS Ankush Chakrabarty gave an invited talk on machine learning for constrained control at AI for Engineering in Toronto Date:
August 19, 2019 - August 23, 2019
AI for Engineering Summer School 2019
Ankush Chakrabarty, a Visiting Research Scientist in MERL's Control and Dynamical Systems group, gave an invited talk at the AI for Engineering Summer School 2019 hosted by Autodesk. The talk briefly described MERL's research areas, and focused on Dr. Chakrabarty's work at MERL (with collaborators from the CD and DA group) on the use of supervised learning for verification of control systems with simulators/neural nets in the loop, and on constraint-enforcing reinforcement learning. Other speakers at the event included researchers from various academic and industrial research facilities including U Toronto, UW-Seattle, Carnegie Mellon U, the Vector Institute, and the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms.
External Link:
MERL Contact:
Research Areas:
Artificial Intelligence, Control, Dynamical Systems, Machine Learning
Related Publications
- "Approximate Dynamic Programming For Linear Systems with State and Input Constraints", European Control Conference (ECC), DOI: 10.23919/ECC.2019.8795815, June 2019.
,BibTeX TR2019-059 PDF- @inproceedings{Chakrabarty2019jun,
- author = {Chakrabarty, Ankush and Quirynen, Rien and Danielson, Claus and Gao, Weinan},
- title = {{Approximate Dynamic Programming For Linear Systems with State and Input Constraints}},
- booktitle = {European Control Conference (ECC)},
- year = 2019,
- month = jun,
- doi = {10.23919/ECC.2019.8795815},
- url = {}
- }
- "Data-Driven Estimation of Reachable and Invariant Sets for Unmodeled Systems via Active Learning", IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2018.8619646, December 2018.
,BibTeX TR2018-187 PDF- @inproceedings{Chakrabarty2018dec,
- author = {Chakrabarty, Ankush and Raghunathan, Arvind and {Di Cairano}, Stefano and Danielson, Claus},
- title = {{Data-Driven Estimation of Reachable and Invariant Sets for Unmodeled Systems via Active Learning}},
- booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},
- year = 2018,
- month = dec,
- doi = {10.1109/CDC.2018.8619646},
- url = {}
- }
- "Approximate Dynamic Programming For Linear Systems with State and Input Constraints", European Control Conference (ECC), DOI: 10.23919/ECC.2019.8795815, June 2019.