- King-Tong Lau, Susan Baldwin, Martina O'Toole, Roderick Shepherd, William J. Yerazunis, Shinichi Izuo, Satoshi Ueyama, Dermont Diamond, "A Low-cost Optical Sensing Device Based on Paired Emitter-detector Light Emitting Diodes", Tech. Rep. TR2005-098, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, December 2005.
BibTeX TR2005-098 PDF- @techreport{MERL_TR2005-098,
- author = {King-Tong Lau, Susan Baldwin, Martina O'Toole, Roderick Shepherd, William J. Yerazunis, Shinichi Izuo, Satoshi Ueyama, Dermont Diamond},
- title = {A Low-cost Optical Sensing Device Based on Paired Emitter-detector Light Emitting Diodes},
- institution = {MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories},
- address = {Cambridge, MA 02139},
- number = {TR2005-098},
- month = dec,
- year = 2005,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2005-098/}
- }
- Raj, B., Smaragdis, P., "Latent Variable Decomposition of Spectrograms for Single Channel Speaker Separation", IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), October 2005, pp. 17-20.
BibTeX TR2005-137 PDF- @inproceedings{Raj2005oct,
- author = {Raj, B. and Smaragdis, P.},
- title = {{Latent Variable Decomposition of Spectrograms for Single Channel Speaker Separation}},
- booktitle = {IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA)},
- year = 2005,
- pages = {17--20},
- month = oct,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2005-137}
- }
- Jinho Lee, Baback Moghaddam, Hanspeter Pfister, Raghu Machiraju, "A Bilinear Illumination Model for Robust Face Recognition", Tech. Rep. TR2005-093, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, August 2005.
BibTeX TR2005-093 PDF- @techreport{MERL_TR2005-093,
- author = {Jinho Lee, Baback Moghaddam, Hanspeter Pfister, Raghu Machiraju},
- title = {A Bilinear Illumination Model for Robust Face Recognition},
- institution = {MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories},
- address = {Cambridge, MA 02139},
- number = {TR2005-093},
- month = aug,
- year = 2005,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2005-093/}
- }
- Vlasic, D., Brand, M., Pfister, H., Popovic, J., "Face Transfer with Multilinear Models", ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 426-433, July 2005.
BibTeX TR2005-048 PDF- @article{Vlasic2005jul,
- author = {Vlasic, D. and Brand, M. and Pfister, H. and Popovic, J.},
- title = {{Face Transfer with Multilinear Models}},
- journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)},
- year = 2005,
- volume = 24,
- number = 3,
- pages = {426--433},
- month = jul,
- issn = {0730=0301},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2005-048}
- }
- Wren, C.R., Erdem, M., Azarbayejani, A.J., "Automatic Pan-Tilt-Zoom Calibration in the Presence of Hybrid Sensor Networks", ACM International Workshop on Video Surveillance and Sensor Networks (VSSN), November 2005, pp. 113-120.
BibTeX TR2005-084 PDF- @inproceedings{Wren2005jun,
- author = {Wren, C.R. and Erdem, M. and Azarbayejani, A.J.},
- title = {{Automatic Pan-Tilt-Zoom Calibration in the Presence of Hybrid Sensor Networks}},
- booktitle = {ACM International Workshop on Video Surveillance and Sensor Networks (VSSN)},
- year = 2005,
- pages = {113--120},
- month = jun,
- isbn = {1-59593-242-9},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2005-084}
- }
- Radhakrishnan, R., Divakaran, A., Xiong, Z., Otsuka, I., "A Content-Adaptive Analysis and Representation Framework for Audio Event Discovery from Unscripted Multimedia", EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 2006, pp. 1-24, May 2005.
BibTeX TR2005-032 PDF- @article{Radhakrishnan2005may,
- author = {Radhakrishnan, R. and Divakaran, A. and Xiong, Z. and Otsuka, I.},
- title = {{A Content-Adaptive Analysis and Representation Framework for Audio Event Discovery from Unscripted Multimedia}},
- journal = {EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing},
- year = 2005,
- volume = 2006,
- pages = {1--24},
- month = may,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2005-032}
- }
- Porikli, F., Wren, C.R., "Change Detection by Frequency Decomposition: Wave-Back", Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, April 2005.
BibTeX TR2005-034 PDF- @inproceedings{Porikli2005apr1,
- author = {Porikli, F. and Wren, C.R.},
- title = {{Change Detection by Frequency Decomposition: Wave-Back}},
- booktitle = {Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services},
- year = 2005,
- month = apr,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2005-034}
- }
- Xie, L., Kennedy, L., Chang, S.-F., Divakaran, A., Sun, H., Lin, C.-Y., "Layered Dynamic Mixture Model for Pattern Discovery in Asynchronous Multi-Modal Streams", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), March 2005, vol. 2, pp. 1053-1056.
BibTeX TR2005-078 PDF- @inproceedings{Xie2005mar,
- author = {Xie, L. and Kennedy, L. and Chang, S.-F. and Divakaran, A. and Sun, H. and Lin, C.-Y.},
- title = {{Layered Dynamic Mixture Model for Pattern Discovery in Asynchronous Multi-Modal Streams}},
- booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
- year = 2005,
- volume = 2,
- pages = {1053--1056},
- month = mar,
- issn = {1520-6149},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2005-078}
- }
- Radhakrishnan, R., Divakaran, A., Xiong, Z., "A Time Series Clustering based Framework for Multimedia Mining and Summarization", ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR), October 2004, pp. 157-164.
BibTeX TR2004-046 PDF- @inproceedings{Radhakrishnan2004oct,
- author = {Radhakrishnan, R. and Divakaran, A. and Xiong, Z.},
- title = {{A Time Series Clustering based Framework for Multimedia Mining and Summarization}},
- booktitle = {ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR)},
- year = 2004,
- pages = {157--164},
- month = oct,
- isbn = {1-58113-940-3},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2004-046}
- }
- Raskar, R., Tan, K.-H., Feris, R., Yu, J., Turk, M., "Non-photorealistic Camera: Depth Edge Detection and Stylized Rendering Using Multi-Flash Imaging", ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2004, vol. 23, pp. 679-688.
BibTeX TR2004-050 PDF- @inproceedings{Raskar2004aug3,
- author = {Raskar, R. and Tan, K.-H. and Feris, R. and Yu, J. and Turk, M.},
- title = {{Non-photorealistic Camera: Depth Edge Detection and Stylized Rendering Using Multi-Flash Imaging}},
- booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH},
- year = 2004,
- volume = 23,
- number = 3,
- pages = {679--688},
- month = aug,
- issn = {0730-0301},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2004-050}
- }
- Radhakrishnan, R., Xiong, Z., Divakaran, A., Memon, N., "Time Series Analysis and Segmentation Using Eigenvectors for Mining Semantic Audio Label Sequences", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), June 2004.
BibTeX TR2004-063 PDF- @inproceedings{Radhakrishnan2004jun,
- author = {Radhakrishnan, R. and Xiong, Z. and Divakaran, A. and Memon, N.},
- title = {{Time Series Analysis and Segmentation Using Eigenvectors for Mining Semantic Audio Label Sequences}},
- booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)},
- year = 2004,
- month = jun,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2004-063}
- }
- Porikli, F.M., "Real-Time Video Object Segmentation for MPEG Encoded Video Sequences", SPIE Conference on Real-Time Imaging, May 2004, vol. 5297, pp. 195-203.
BibTeX TR2004-011 PDF- @inproceedings{Porikli2004may1,
- author = {Porikli, F.M.},
- title = {{Real-Time Video Object Segmentation for MPEG Encoded Video Sequences}},
- booktitle = {SPIE Conference on Real-Time Imaging},
- year = 2004,
- volume = 5297,
- pages = {195--203},
- month = may,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2004-011}
- }
- Moghaddam, B., Tian, Q., Lesh, N.B., Shen, C., Huang, T.S., "Visualization and User-Modeling for Browsing Personal Photo Libraries", International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 56, No. 1-2, pp. 109-130, January 2004.
BibTeX TR2004-026 PDF- @article{Moghaddam2004jan,
- author = {Moghaddam, B. and Tian, Q. and Lesh, N.B. and Shen, C. and Huang, T.S.},
- title = {{Visualization and User-Modeling for Browsing Personal Photo Libraries}},
- journal = {International Journal of Computer Vision},
- year = 2004,
- volume = 56,
- number = {1-2},
- pages = {109--130},
- month = jan,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2004-026}
- }
- Radhakrishan, R., Xiong, Z., Divakaran, A., Ishikawa, Y., "Generation of Sports Highlights Using a Combination of Supervised & Unsupervised Learning in Audio Domain", IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), December 2003, vol. 2, pp. 935-939.
BibTeX TR2003-144 PDF- @inproceedings{Radhakrishan2003dec,
- author = {Radhakrishan, R. and Xiong, Z. and Divakaran, A. and Ishikawa, Y.},
- title = {{Generation of Sports Highlights Using a Combination of Supervised \& Unsupervised Learning in Audio Domain}},
- booktitle = {IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM)},
- year = 2003,
- volume = 2,
- pages = {935--939},
- month = dec,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2003-144}
- }
- Win, M., Chrisikos, G., "Wideband Diversity in Multipath Channels with Nonuniform Power Delay Profiles", Tech. Rep. TR2003-68, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, August 2003.
BibTeX TR2003-68 PDF- @techreport{MERL_TR2003-68,
- author = {Win, M.; Chrisikos, G.},
- title = {Wideband Diversity in Multipath Channels with Nonuniform Power Delay Profiles},
- institution = {MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories},
- address = {Cambridge, MA 02139},
- number = {TR2003-68},
- month = aug,
- year = 2003,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2003-68/}
- }
- Matusik, W., Pfister, H., Brand, M., McMillan, L., "A Data-Driven Reflectance Model", ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), DOI: 10.1145/882262.882343, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 759-769, July 2003.
BibTeX TR2003-83 PDF Data- @article{Matusik2003jul,
- author = {Matusik, W. and Pfister, H. and Brand, M. and McMillan, L.},
- title = {{A Data-Driven Reflectance Model}},
- journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)},
- year = 2003,
- volume = 22,
- number = 3,
- pages = {759--769},
- month = jul,
- doi = {10.1145/882262.882343},
- issn = {0730-0301},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2003-83}
- }
- Porikli, F.M., Divakaran, A., "Multi-Camera Calibration, Object Tracking and Query Generation", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), July 2003, vol. 1, pp. 653-656.
BibTeX TR2003-100 PDF- @inproceedings{Porikli2003jul,
- author = {Porikli, F.M. and Divakaran, A.},
- title = {{Multi-Camera Calibration, Object Tracking and Query Generation}},
- booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)},
- year = 2003,
- volume = 1,
- pages = {653--656},
- month = jul,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2003-100}
- }
- Xiong, Z., Radhakrishnan, R., Divakaran, A., Huang, T.S., "Audio Events Detection Based Highlights Extraction from Baseball, Golf and Soccer Games in a Unified Framework", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), July 2003, vol. 3, pp. 401-404.
BibTeX TR2003-149 PDF- @inproceedings{Xiong2003jul1,
- author = {Xiong, Z. and Radhakrishnan, R. and Divakaran, A. and Huang, T.S.},
- title = {{Audio Events Detection Based Highlights Extraction from Baseball, Golf and Soccer Games in a Unified Framework}},
- booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)},
- year = 2003,
- volume = 3,
- pages = {401--404},
- month = jul,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2003-149}
- }
- Brand, M., "Fast Online SVD Revisions for Lightweight Recommender Systems", SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), May 2003.
BibTeX TR2003-14 PDF- @inproceedings{Brand2003may,
- author = {Brand, M.},
- title = {{Fast Online SVD Revisions for Lightweight Recommender Systems}},
- booktitle = {SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM)},
- year = 2003,
- month = may,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2003-14}
- }
- Matusik, W., Pfister, H., Beardsley, P.A., Ngan, A., Ziegler, R., McMillan, L., "Image-Based 3D Photography Using Opacity Hulls", ACM SIGGRAPH, July 2002, pp. 427-437.
BibTeX TR2002-29 PDF- @inproceedings{Matusik2002jul,
- author = {Matusik, W. and Pfister, H. and Beardsley, P.A. and Ngan, A. and Ziegler, R. and McMillan, L.},
- title = {{Image-Based 3D Photography Using Opacity Hulls}},
- booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH},
- year = 2002,
- pages = {427--437},
- month = jul,
- issn = {0730-0301},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2002-29}
- }
- Baback Moghaddam, Qi Tian, Thomas S. Huang, "Visualization, Estimation and User-Modeling for Interactive Browsing of Image Libraries", Tech. Rep. TR2002-53, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, July 2002.
BibTeX TR2002-53 PDF- @techreport{MERL_TR2002-53,
- author = {Baback Moghaddam, Qi Tian, Thomas S. Huang},
- title = {Visualization, Estimation and User-Modeling for Interactive Browsing of Image Libraries},
- institution = {MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories},
- address = {Cambridge, MA 02139},
- number = {TR2002-53},
- month = jul,
- year = 2002,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2002-53/}
- }
- Frisken, S.F., Perry, R.N., "Computing 3D Geometry Directly from Range Images", ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2001.
BibTeX TR2001-10 PDF- @inproceedings{Frisken2001aug1,
- author = {Frisken, S.F. and Perry, R.N.},
- title = {{Computing 3D Geometry Directly from Range Images}},
- booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH},
- year = 2001,
- month = aug,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2001-10}
- }
- Pope, J., Frisken, S.F., Perry, R.N., "Dynamic Meshing Using Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields", ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2001.
BibTeX TR2001-13 PDF- @inproceedings{Pope2001aug,
- author = {Pope, J. and Frisken, S.F. and Perry, R.N.},
- title = {{Dynamic Meshing Using Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields}},
- booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH},
- year = 2001,
- month = aug,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2001-13}
- }
- William T. Freeman, Thouis R. Jones, and Egon C. Pasztor, "Example-based super-resolution", Tech. Rep. TR2001-30, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, August 2001.
BibTeX TR2001-30 PDF- @techreport{MERL_TR2001-30,
- author = {William T. Freeman, Thouis R. Jones, and Egon C. Pasztor},
- title = {Example-based super-resolution},
- institution = {MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories},
- address = {Cambridge, MA 02139},
- number = {TR2001-30},
- month = aug,
- year = 2001,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2001-30/}
- }
- Rickel, J., Lesh, N.B., Rich, C., Sidner, C.L., Gertner, A., "Building a Bridge Between Intelligent Tutoring and Collaborative Dialogue Systems", International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI-ED), May 2001, pp. 592-594.
BibTeX TR2000-40 PDF- @inproceedings{Rickel2001may,
- author = {Rickel, J. and Lesh, N.B. and Rich, C. and Sidner, C.L. and Gertner, A.},
- title = {{Building a Bridge Between Intelligent Tutoring and Collaborative Dialogue Systems}},
- booktitle = {International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI-ED)},
- year = 2001,
- pages = {592--594},
- month = may,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2000-40}
- }