
573 / 3,704 publications found.

  •  Jones, M.J., Broad, A., Lee, T.-Y., "Recurrent Multi-frame Single Shot Detector for Video Object Detection", British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), September 2018.
    BibTeX TR2018-137 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Jones2018sep,
    • author = {Jones, Michael J. and Broad, Alexander and Lee, Teng-Yok},
    • title = {Recurrent Multi-frame Single Shot Detector for Video Object Detection},
    • booktitle = {British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
    • year = 2018,
    • month = sep,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Ataer-Cansizoglu, E., Jones, M.J., Zhang, Z., Sullivan, A., "Verification of Very Low-Resolution Faces Using An Identity-Preserving Deep Face Super-resolution Network", arXiv, August 2018.
    BibTeX arXiv
    • @article{Ataer-Cansizoglu2018aug,
    • author = {Ataer-Cansizoglu, Esra and Jones, Michael J. and Zhang, Ziming and Sullivan, Alan},
    • title = {Verification of Very Low-Resolution Faces Using An Identity-Preserving Deep Face Super-resolution Network},
    • journal = {arXiv},
    • year = 2018,
    • month = aug,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Zhang, J., Lee, T.-Y., Feng, C., Li, X., Zhang, Z., "Robust Attentional Pooling via Feature Selection", IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), DOI: 10.1109/​ICPR.2018.8545607, August 2018, pp. 2038-2043.
    BibTeX TR2018-124 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Zhang2018aug,
    • author = {Zhang, Jian and Lee, Teng-Yok and Feng, Chen and Li, Xiaohua and Zhang, Ziming},
    • title = {Robust Attentional Pooling via Feature Selection},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)},
    • year = 2018,
    • pages = {2038--2043},
    • month = aug,
    • doi = {10.1109/ICPR.2018.8545607},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Alamri, H., Cartillier, V., Lopes, R., Das, A., Wang, J., Essa, I., Batra, D., Parikh, D., Cherian, A., Marks, T.K., Hori, C., "Audio Visual Scene-Aware Dialog (AVSD) Challenge at DSTC7", arXiv, July 12, 2018.
    BibTeX arXiv
    • @article{Alamri2018jul,
    • author = {Alamri, Huda and Cartillier, Vincent and Lopes, Raphael and Das, Abhishek and Wang, Jue and Essa, Irfan and Batra, Dhruv and Parikh, Devi and Cherian, Anoop and Marks, Tim K. and Hori, Chiori},
    • title = {Audio Visual Scene-Aware Dialog (AVSD) Challenge at DSTC7},
    • journal = {arXiv},
    • year = 2018,
    • month = jul,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Zhang, Z., "LMKL-Net: A Fast Localized Multiple Kernel Learning Solver via Deep Neural Networks", arXiv, July 12, 2018.
    BibTeX arXiv
    • @article{Zhang2018jul,
    • author = {Zhang, Ziming},
    • title = {LMKL-Net: A Fast Localized Multiple Kernel Learning Solver via Deep Neural Networks},
    • journal = {arXiv},
    • year = 2018,
    • month = jul,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Zhang, Z., Lin, R., Sullivan, A., "Deformable Part Networks", arXiv, July 12, 2018.
    BibTeX arXiv
    • @article{Zhang2018jul2,
    • author = {Zhang, Ziming and Lin, Rongmei and Sullivan, Alan},
    • title = {Deformable Part Networks},
    • journal = {arXiv},
    • year = 2018,
    • month = jul,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Sanz, I., Bernal, C., Bono, A., Pajovic, M., Martinez, G., "Gaussian Process Regression Applied to VRLA Battery Voltage Prediction in Photovoltaic Off-Grid Systems", Jornada de Jovenes Investigadores, July 11, 2018.
    BibTeX TR2018-077 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Sanz2018jul,
    • author = {Sanz, Ivan and Bernal, Carlos and Bono, Antonio and Pajovic, Milutin and Martinez, Gabriel},
    • title = {Gaussian Process Regression Applied to VRLA Battery Voltage Prediction in Photovoltaic Off-Grid Systems},
    • booktitle = {Jornada de Jovenes Investigadores},
    • year = 2018,
    • number = 6,
    • month = jul,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Liu, J., Guo, J., Orlik, P.V., Shibata, M., Nakahara, D., Mii, S., Takac, M., "Anomaly Detection in Manufacturing Systems Using Structured Neural Networks", IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, DOI: 10.1109/​WCICA.2018.8630692, July 2018, pp. 175-180.
    BibTeX TR2018-097 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Liu2018jul2,
    • author = {Liu, Jie and Guo, Jianlin and Orlik, Philip V. and Shibata, Masahiko and Nakahara, Daiki and Mii, Satoshi and Takac, Martin},
    • title = {Anomaly Detection in Manufacturing Systems Using Structured Neural Networks},
    • booktitle = {IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation},
    • year = 2018,
    • pages = {175--180},
    • month = jul,
    • doi = {10.1109/WCICA.2018.8630692},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Shen, Y., Feng, C., Yang, Y., Tian, D., "Mining Point Cloud Local Structures by Kernel Correlation and Graph Pooling", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2018.
    BibTeX TR2018-041 PDF Software
    • @inproceedings{Shen2018jun,
    • author = {Shen, Yiru and Feng, Chen and Yang, Yaoqing and Tian, Dong},
    • title = {Mining Point Cloud Local Structures by Kernel Correlation and Graph Pooling},
    • booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    • year = 2018,
    • month = jun,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Yang, Y., Feng, C., Shen, Y., Tian, D., "FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), DOI: 10.1109/​CVPR.2018.00029, June 2018.
    BibTeX TR2018-042 PDF Video Software
    • @inproceedings{Yang2018jun,
    • author = {Yang, Yaoqing and Feng, Chen and Shen, Yiru and Tian, Dong},
    • title = {FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-encoder via Deep Grid Deformation},
    • booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    • year = 2018,
    • month = jun,
    • doi = {10.1109/CVPR.2018.00029},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Zhang, Z., Wu, Y., Wang, G., "BPGrad: Towards Global Optimality in Deep Learning via Branch and Pruning", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2018, pp. 3301-3309.
    BibTeX TR2018-068 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Zhang2018jun,
    • author = {Zhang, Ziming and Wu, Yuanwei and Wang, Guanghui},
    • title = {BPGrad: Towards Global Optimality in Deep Learning via Branch and Pruning},
    • booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    • year = 2018,
    • pages = {3301--3309},
    • month = jun,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Nowara, E., Marks, T.K., Mansour, H., Nakamura, Y., Veeraraghavan, A., "SparsePPG: Towards Driver Monitoring Using Camera-Based Vital Signs Estimation in Near-Infrared", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop on Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement (CVPM, June 2018, pp. 1272-1281.
    BibTeX TR2018-067 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Nowara2018jun,
    • author = {Nowara, Ewa and Marks, Tim K. and Mansour, Hassan and Nakamura, Yudai and Veeraraghavan, Ashok},
    • title = {SparsePPG: Towards Driver Monitoring Using Camera-Based Vital Signs Estimation in Near-Infrared},
    • booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop on Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement (CVPM},
    • year = 2018,
    • pages = {1272--1281},
    • month = jun,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Zhang, Z., Kag, A., Sullivan, A., Saligrama, V., "Equilibrated Recurrent Neural Network: Neuronal Time-Delayed Self-Feedback Improves Accuracy and Stability", arXiv, March 2019.
    BibTeX arXiv
    • @article{Zhang2018mar2,
    • author = {Zhang, Ziming and Kag, Anil and Sullivan, Alan and Saligrama, Venkatesh},
    • title = {Equilibrated Recurrent Neural Network: Neuronal Time-Delayed Self-Feedback Improves Accuracy and Stability},
    • journal = {arXiv},
    • year = 2018,
    • month = mar,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Zhang, Z., Xu, W., Sullivan, A., "Time-Delay Momentum: A Regularization Perspective on the Convergence and Generalization of Stochastic Momentum for Deep Learning", arXiv, March 2018.
    BibTeX arXiv
    • @article{Zhang2018mar,
    • author = {Zhang, Ziming and Xu, Wenju and Sullivan, Alan},
    • title = {Time-Delay Momentum: A Regularization Perspective on the Convergence and Generalization of Stochastic Momentum for Deep Learning},
    • journal = {arXiv},
    • year = 2018,
    • month = mar,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Santa Cruz, R., Fernando, B., Cherian, A., Gould, S., "Neural Algebra of Classifiers", IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), DOI: 10.1109/​WACV.2018.00085, March 2018, pp. 729-737.
    BibTeX TR2018-033 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Santacruz2018mar,
    • author = {Santa Cruz, Rodrigo and Fernando, Basura and Cherian, Anoop and Gould, Stephen},
    • title = {Neural Algebra of Classifiers},
    • booktitle = {IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},
    • year = 2018,
    • pages = {729--737},
    • month = mar,
    • doi = {10.1109/WACV.2018.00085},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Quivira, F., Koike-Akino, T., Wang, Y., Erdogmus, D., "Translating sEMG Signals to Continuous Hand Poses using Recurrent Neural Networks", IEEE Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), DOI: 10.1109/​BHI.2018.8333395, January 2018.
    BibTeX TR2018-014 PDF Presentation
    • @inproceedings{Quivira2018jan,
    • author = {Quivira, Fernando and Koike-Akino, Toshiaki and Wang, Ye and Erdogmus, Deniz},
    • title = {Translating sEMG Signals to Continuous Hand Poses using Recurrent Neural Networks},
    • booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI)},
    • year = 2018,
    • month = jan,
    • doi = {10.1109/BHI.2018.8333395},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Hori, C., Hori, T., Marks, T.K., Hershey, J.R., "Early and Late Integration of Audio Features for Automatic Video Description", IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU), DOI: 10.1109/​ASRU.2017.8268968, December 2017.
    BibTeX TR2017-183 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Hori2017dec2,
    • author = {Hori, Chiori and Hori, Takaaki and Marks, Tim K. and Hershey, John R.},
    • title = {Early and Late Integration of Audio Features for Automatic Video Description},
    • booktitle = {IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU)},
    • year = 2017,
    • month = dec,
    • doi = {10.1109/ASRU.2017.8268968},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Ziming, Z., Brand, M., "Convergent Block Coordinate Descent for Training Tikhonov Regularized Deep Neural Networks", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), December 2017.
    BibTeX TR2017-140 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Ziming2017dec,
    • author = {Ziming, Zhang and Brand, Matthew},
    • title = {Convergent Block Coordinate Descent for Training Tikhonov Regularized Deep Neural Networks},
    • booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)},
    • year = 2017,
    • month = dec,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Lin, C., Marks, T.K., Pajovic, M., Watanabe, S., Tung, C., "Model parameter learning using Kullback-Leibler divergence", Physica A, DOI: 10.1016/​j.physa.2017.09.018, Vol. 491, No. 1, pp. 549-559, November 2017.
    BibTeX TR2017-184 PDF
    • @article{Lin2017nov,
    • author = {Lin, Chungwei and Marks, Tim K. and Pajovic, Milutin and Watanabe, Shinji and Tung, Chihkuan},
    • title = {Model parameter learning using Kullback-Leibler divergence},
    • journal = {Physica A},
    • year = 2017,
    • volume = 491,
    • number = 1,
    • pages = {549--559},
    • month = nov,
    • publisher = {Elsevier},
    • doi = {10.1016/j.physa.2017.09.018},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Hori, C., Hori, T., Lee, T.-Y., Zhang, Z., Harsham, B.A., Sumi, K., Marks, T.K., Hershey, J.R., "Attention-Based Multimodal Fusion for Video Description", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), DOI: 10.1109/​ICCV.2017.450, October 2017.
    BibTeX TR2017-156 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Hori2017oct,
    • author = {Hori, Chiori and Hori, Takaaki and Lee, Teng-Yok and Zhang, Ziming and Harsham, Bret A. and Sumi, Kazuhiko and Marks, Tim K. and Hershey, John R.},
    • title = {Attention-Based Multimodal Fusion for Video Description},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    • year = 2017,
    • month = oct,
    • doi = {10.1109/ICCV.2017.450},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Jones, M.J., Kobori, H., "Improving face verification and person re-identification accuracy using hyperplane similarity", IEEE Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures (at ICCV), DOI: 10.1109/​ICCVW.2017.183, October 2017.
    BibTeX TR2017-155 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Jones2017oct,
    • author = {Jones, Michael J. and Kobori, Hiroko},
    • title = {Improving face verification and person re-identification accuracy using hyperplane similarity},
    • booktitle = {IEEE Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures (at ICCV)},
    • year = 2017,
    • month = oct,
    • doi = {10.1109/ICCVW.2017.183},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Sahinoglu, G.O., Pajovic, M., Sahinoglu, Z., Wang, Y., Orlik, P.V., Wada, T., "Battery State of Charge Estimation Based on Regular/Recurrent Gaussian Process Regression", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/​TIE.2017.2764869, Vol. 65, No. 5, pp. 4311-4321, October 2017.
    BibTeX TR2017-124 PDF
    • @article{Ozcan2017oct,
    • author = {Sahinoglu, Gozde Ozcan and Pajovic, Milutin and Sahinoglu, Zafer and Wang, Yebin and Orlik, Philip V. and Wada, Toshihiro},
    • title = {Battery State of Charge Estimation Based on Regular/Recurrent Gaussian Process Regression},
    • journal = {IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics},
    • year = 2017,
    • volume = 65,
    • number = 5,
    • pages = {4311--4321},
    • month = oct,
    • doi = {10.1109/TIE.2017.2764869},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Pajovic, M., Sahinoglu, Z., Wang, Y., Orlik, P.V., Wada, T., "Online Data-Driven Battery Voltage Prediction", IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), DOI: 10.1109/​INDIN.2017.8104879, July 2017.
    BibTeX TR2017-101 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Pajovic2017jul,
    • author = {Pajovic, Milutin and Sahinoglu, Zafer and Wang, Yebin and Orlik, Philip V. and Wada, Toshihiro},
    • title = {Online Data-Driven Battery Voltage Prediction},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)},
    • year = 2017,
    • month = jul,
    • doi = {10.1109/INDIN.2017.8104879},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Abbeloos, W., Caccamo, S., Ataer-Cansizoglu, E., Taguchi, Y., Feng, C., Lee, T.-Y., "Detecting and Grouping Identical Objects for Region Proposal and Classification", CVPR Workshop on Deep Learning for Robotic Vision, DOI: 10.1109/​CVPRW.2017.76, July 2017.
    BibTeX TR2017-099 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Abbeloos2017jul,
    • author = {Abbeloos, Wim and Caccamo, Sergio and Ataer-Cansizoglu, Esra and Taguchi, Yuichi and Feng, Chen and Lee, Teng-Yok},
    • title = {Detecting and Grouping Identical Objects for Region Proposal and Classification},
    • booktitle = {CVPR Workshop on Deep Learning for Robotic Vision},
    • year = 2017,
    • month = jul,
    • doi = {10.1109/CVPRW.2017.76},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Yu, Z., Feng, C., Liu, M.-Y., Ramalingam, S., "CASENet: Deep Category-Aware Semantic Edge Detection", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), DOI: 10.1109/​CVPR.2017.191, July 2017.
    BibTeX TR2017-100 PDF Video Data Software
    • @inproceedings{Yu2017jul,
    • author = {Yu, Zhiding and Feng, Chen and Liu, Ming-Yu and Ramalingam, Srikumar},
    • title = {CASENet: Deep Category-Aware Semantic Edge Detection},
    • booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    • year = 2017,
    • month = jul,
    • doi = {10.1109/CVPR.2017.191},
    • url = {}
    • }