H Infinity Loop-Shaped Model Predictive Control with Heat Pump Application
- "H Infinity Loop-Shaped Model Predictive Control with Heat Pump Application", European Control Conference (ECC), DOI: 10.23919/ECC.2019.8796158, June 2019, pp. 2386-2393.BibTeX TR2019-052 PDF
- @inproceedings{Bortoff2019jun,
- author = {Bortoff, Scott A. and Schwerdtner, Paul and Danielson, Claus and {Di Cairano}, Stefano},
- title = {{H Infinity Loop-Shaped Model Predictive Control with Heat Pump Application}},
- booktitle = {European Control Conference (ECC)},
- year = 2019,
- pages = {2386--2393},
- month = jun,
- publisher = {IEEE},
- doi = {10.23919/ECC.2019.8796158},
- url = {}
- }
- "H Infinity Loop-Shaped Model Predictive Control with Heat Pump Application", European Control Conference (ECC), DOI: 10.23919/ECC.2019.8796158, June 2019, pp. 2386-2393.
MERL Contacts:
Research Area:
In this paper we derive a formulation for Model Predictive Control (MPC) of linear time-invariant systems based on H infinity loop-shaping. The design provides an optimized stability margin for problems that require state estimation. Input and output weights are designed in the frequency domain to satisfy steady-state and transient performance requirements, in lieu of conventional MPC plant model augmentations. The H infinity loop-shaping synthesis results in an observer-based state feedback structure. Using the linear state feedback law, an inverse optimal control problem is solved to design the MPC cost function, and the H infinity state estimator is used to initialize the prediction model at each time step. The MPC inherits the closed-loop performance and stability margin of the loopshaped design when constraints are inactive. We apply the methodology to a multi-zone heat pump system in simulation. The design rejects constant unmeasured disturbances and tracks constant references with zero steady-state error, has good transient performance, provides an excellent stability margin, and enforces input and output constraints.
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