Arvind Raghunathan

- Phone: 617-621-7502
- Email:
Research / Technical Staff
Senior Principal Research Scientist,
Senior Team Leader -
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 2004 -
Research Areas:
External Links:
Arvind's Quick Links
Arvind's research focuses on algorithms for optimization of large-scale nonlinear and mixed integer nonlinear programs with applications in power grid, transportation systems and model-based control of processes. He previously worked at the United Technologies Research Center for 7 years developing optimization algorithms for aerospace, elevator, energy systems and security businesses.
Recent News & Events
NEWS MERL researchers present 9 papers at ACC 2024 Date: July 10, 2024 - July 12, 2024
Where: Toronto, Canada
MERL Contacts: Ankush Chakrabarty; Vedang M. Deshpande; Stefano Di Cairano; Christopher R. Laughman; Arvind Raghunathan; Abraham P. Vinod; Yebin Wang; Avishai Weiss
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Control, Dynamical Systems, Machine Learning, Multi-Physical Modeling, Optimization, RoboticsBrief- MERL researchers presented 9 papers at the recently concluded American Control Conference (ACC) 2024 in Toronto, Canada. The papers covered a wide range of topics including data-driven spatial monitoring using heterogenous robots, aircraft approach management near airports, computation fluid dynamics-based motion planning for drones facing winds, trajectory planning for coordinated monitoring using a team of drones and a ground carrier vehicle, ensemble Kalman smoothing-based model predictive control for motion planning for autonomous vehicles, system identification for Lithium-ion batteries, physics-constrained deep Kalman filters for vapor compression systems, switched reference governors for constrained systems, and distributed road-map monitoring using onboard sensors.
As a sponsor of the conference, MERL maintained a booth for open discussions with researchers and students, and hosted a special session to discuss highlights of MERL research and work philosophy.
In addition, Abraham Vinod served as a panelist at the Student Networking Event at the conference. The student networking event provides an opportunity for all interested students to network with professionals working in industry, academia, and national laboratories during a structured event, and encourages their continued participation as the future leaders in the field.
- MERL researchers presented 9 papers at the recently concluded American Control Conference (ACC) 2024 in Toronto, Canada. The papers covered a wide range of topics including data-driven spatial monitoring using heterogenous robots, aircraft approach management near airports, computation fluid dynamics-based motion planning for drones facing winds, trajectory planning for coordinated monitoring using a team of drones and a ground carrier vehicle, ensemble Kalman smoothing-based model predictive control for motion planning for autonomous vehicles, system identification for Lithium-ion batteries, physics-constrained deep Kalman filters for vapor compression systems, switched reference governors for constrained systems, and distributed road-map monitoring using onboard sensors.
NEWS MERL researchers present 3 papers on Dexterous Manipulation at RSS 23. Date: July 11, 2023
Where: Daegu, Korea
MERL Contacts: Siddarth Jain; Devesh K. Jha; Arvind Raghunathan
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, RoboticsBrief- MERL researchers presented 3 papers at the 19th edition of Robotics:Science and Systems Conference in Daegu, Korea. RSS is the flagship conference of the RSS foundation and is run as a single track conference presenting a limited number of high-quality papers. This year the main conference had a total of 112 papers presented. MERL researchers presented 2 papers in the main conference on planning and perception for dexterous manipulation. Another paper was presented in a workshop of learning for dexterous manipulation. More details can be found here
See All News & Events for Arvind -
AWARD MERL Researchers Win Best Workshop Poster Award at the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Date: June 2, 2023
Awarded to: Yuki Shirai, Devesh Jha, Arvind Raghunathan and Dennis Hong
MERL Contacts: Devesh K. Jha; Arvind Raghunathan; Yuki Shirai
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Optimization, RoboticsBrief- MERL's paper titled: "Closed-Loop Tactile Controller for Tool Manipulation" Won the Best Poster Award in the workshop on "Embracing contacts : Making robots physically interact with our world". First author and MERL intern, Yuki Shirai, was presented with the award at a ceremony held at ICRA in London. MERL researchers Devesh Jha, Principal Research Scientist, and Arvind Raghunathan, Senior Principal Research Scientist and Senior Team Leader as well as Prof. Dennis Hong of University of California, Los Angeles are also coauthors.
The paper presents a technique to manipulate an object using a tool in a closed-loop fashion using vision-based tactile sensors. More information about the workshop and the various speakers can be found here
- MERL's paper titled: "Closed-Loop Tactile Controller for Tool Manipulation" Won the Best Poster Award in the workshop on "Embracing contacts : Making robots physically interact with our world". First author and MERL intern, Yuki Shirai, was presented with the award at a ceremony held at ICRA in London. MERL researchers Devesh Jha, Principal Research Scientist, and Arvind Raghunathan, Senior Principal Research Scientist and Senior Team Leader as well as Prof. Dennis Hong of University of California, Los Angeles are also coauthors.
AWARD Arvind Raghunathan receives Roberto Tempo Best CDC Paper Award at 2022 IEEE Conference on Decision & Control (CDC) Date: December 8, 2022
Awarded to: Arvind Raghunathan
MERL Contact: Arvind Raghunathan
Research Areas: Control, OptimizationBrief- Arvind Raghunathan, Senior Principal Research Scientist in the Data Analytics group, received the IEEE Control Systems Society Roberto Tempo Best CDC Paper Award. The award was presented at the 2022 IEEE Conference on Decision & Control (CDC).
The award is given annually in honor of Roberto Tempo, the 44th President of the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS). The Tempo Award Committee selects the best paper from the previous year's CDC based on originality, potential impact on any aspect of control theory, technology, or implementation, and for the clarity of writing. This year's award committee was headed by Prof. Patrizio Colaneri, Politecnico di Milano. Arvind's paper was nominated for the award by Prof. Lorenz Biegler, Carnegie Mellon University, with supporting letters from Prof. Andreas Waechter, Northwestern University, and Prof. Victor Zavala, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Arvind Raghunathan, Senior Principal Research Scientist in the Data Analytics group, received the IEEE Control Systems Society Roberto Tempo Best CDC Paper Award. The award was presented at the 2022 IEEE Conference on Decision & Control (CDC).
MERL Publications
- "Chance-Constrained Optimization for Contact-rich Systems using Mixed Integer Programming", Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, DOI: 10.1016/j.nahs.2024.101466, Vol. 52, December 2024.BibTeX TR2024-008 PDF
- @article{Shirai2024dec,
- author = {Shirai, Yuki and Jha, Devesh K. and Raghunathan, Arvind and Romeres, Diego},
- title = {{Chance-Constrained Optimization for Contact-rich Systems using Mixed Integer Programming}},
- journal = {Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems},
- year = 2024,
- volume = 52,
- month = dec,
- doi = {10.1016/j.nahs.2024.101466},
- issn = {1751-570X},
- url = {}
- }
, - "Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Complementarity Systems", SIAM Journal on Optimization, December 2024.BibTeX TR2025-004 PDF
- @article{Raghunathan2024dec,
- author = {Raghunathan, Arvind and Linderoth, Jeffrey},
- title = {{Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Complementarity Systems}},
- journal = {SIAM Journal on Optimization},
- year = 2024,
- month = dec,
- url = {}
- }
, - "Dynamic Pricing and Capacity Optimization in Railways", Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, DOI: 10.1287/msom.2022.0246, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 350-369, December 2024.BibTeX TR2025-007 PDF
- @article{Manchiraju2024dec,
- author = {Manchiraju, Chandrasekhar and Dawande, Milind and Janakiraman, Ganesh and Raghunathan, Arvind},
- title = {{Dynamic Pricing and Capacity Optimization in Railways}},
- journal = {Manufacturing and Service Operations Management},
- year = 2024,
- volume = 26,
- number = 1,
- pages = {350--369},
- month = dec,
- doi = {10.1287/msom.2022.0246},
- url = {}
- }
, - "Coach Reservation for Groups Requests", arXiv, October 2024. ,
- "Proactive Sequential Phase Swapping Scheduling for Distribution Systems with a Finite Horizon", IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, October 2024.BibTeX TR2024-149 PDF
- @inproceedings{Sun2024oct,
- author = {Sun, Hongbo and Kosanic, Miroslav and Kawano, Shunsuke and Raghunathan, Arvind and Kitamura, Shoichi and Takaguchi, Yusuke},
- title = {{Proactive Sequential Phase Swapping Scheduling for Distribution Systems with a Finite Horizon}},
- booktitle = {IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference},
- year = 2024,
- month = oct,
- url = {}
- }
- "Chance-Constrained Optimization for Contact-rich Systems using Mixed Integer Programming", Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, DOI: 10.1016/j.nahs.2024.101466, Vol. 52, December 2024.
Other Publications
- "Global Optimization of Nonlinear Network Design", SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 268-295, 2013.BibTeX
- @Article{raghunathan2013global,
- author = {Raghunathan, Arvind U},
- title = {Global Optimization of Nonlinear Network Design},
- journal = {SIAM Journal on Optimization},
- year = 2013,
- volume = 23,
- number = 1,
- pages = {268--295},
- publisher = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}
- }
, - "A distributed anytime algorithm for maximizing occupant comfort", American Control Conference (ACC), 2012, pp. 1059-1066.BibTeX
- @Inproceedings{raghunathan2012distributed,
- author = {Raghunathan, Arvind U and Krishnamurthy, Sudha},
- title = {A distributed anytime algorithm for maximizing occupant comfort},
- booktitle = {American Control Conference (ACC)},
- year = 2012,
- pages = {1059--1066},
- organization = {IEEE}
- }
, - "Parametric Characterization of Multimodal Distributions with Non-Gaussian Modes", IEEE 11th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 2011, pp. 286-292.BibTeX
- @Inproceedings{tewari2011parametric,
- author = {Tewari, Ashutosh and Giering, Michael J and Raghunathan, Arvind},
- title = {Parametric Characterization of Multimodal Distributions with Non-{G}aussian Modes},
- booktitle = {IEEE 11th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW)},
- year = 2011,
- pages = {286--292},
- organization = {IEEE}
- }
, - "Transfer operator method for control in fluid flows", Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, held jointly with the 28th Chinese Control Conference (CDC/CCC), 2009, pp. 1806-1811.BibTeX
- @Inproceedings{vaidya2009transfer,
- author = {Vaidya, Umesh and Ganapathysubramanian, Baskar and Raghunathan, Arvind},
- title = {Transfer operator method for control in fluid flows},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, held jointly with the 28th Chinese Control Conference (CDC/CCC)},
- year = 2009,
- pages = {1806--1811},
- organization = {IEEE}
- }
, - "Lyapunov measure and control of periodic orbit", IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT), 2008, pp. 48-53.BibTeX
- @Inproceedings{diwadkar2008lyapunov,
- author = {Diwadkar, A and Vaidya, U and Raghunathan, AU},
- title = {Lyapunov measure and control of periodic orbit},
- booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT)},
- year = 2008,
- pages = {48--53},
- organization = {IEEE}
- }
, - "Optimal stabilization using Lyapunov measure", American Control Conference (ACC), 2008, pp. 1746-1751.BibTeX
- @Inproceedings{raghunathan2008optimal,
- author = {Raghunathan, Arvind U and Vaidya, Umesh},
- title = {Optimal stabilization using {L}yapunov measure},
- booktitle = {American Control Conference (ACC)},
- year = 2008,
- pages = {1746--1751},
- organization = {IEEE}
- }
, - "MILP and NLP techniques for centralized trajectory planning of multiple unmanned air vehicles", American Control Conference (ACC), 2006.BibTeX
- @Inproceedings{borrelli2006milp,
- author = {Borrelli, Francesco and Subramanian, Dharmashankar and Raghunathan, Arvind U and Biegler, Lorenz T},
- title = {{MILP} and {NLP} techniques for centralized trajectory planning of multiple unmanned air vehicles},
- booktitle = {American Control Conference (ACC)},
- year = 2006,
- organization = {IEEE}
- }
, - "Parameter estimation in metabolic flux balance models for batch fermentation - Formulation & Solution using Differential Variational Inequalities (DVIs)", Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 148, No. 1, pp. 251-270, 2006.BibTeX
- @Article{raghunathan2006parameter,
- author = {Raghunathan, Arvind U and Perez-Correa, J Ricardo and Agosin, Eduardo and Biegler, Lorenz T},
- title = {Parameter estimation in metabolic flux balance models for batch fermentation - Formulation & Solution using Differential Variational Inequalities ({DVI}s)},
- journal = {Annals of Operations Research},
- year = 2006,
- volume = 148,
- number = 1,
- pages = {251--270},
- publisher = {Springer}
- }
, - "An interior point method for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints (MPCCs)", SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 720-750, 2005.BibTeX
- @Article{raghunathan2005interior,
- author = {Raghunathan, Arvind U and Biegler, Lorenz T},
- title = {An interior point method for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints ({MPCC}s)},
- journal = {SIAM Journal on Optimization},
- year = 2005,
- volume = 15,
- number = 3,
- pages = {720--750},
- publisher = {Philadelphia, Pa.: The Society, c1991-}
- }
, - "Dynamic optimization strategies for three-dimensional conflict resolution of multiple aircraft", Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 586-594, 2004.BibTeX
- @Article{raghunathan2004dynamic,
- author = {Raghunathan, Arvind U and Gopal, Vipin and Subramanian, Dharmashankar and Biegler, Lorenz T and Samad, Tariq},
- title = {Dynamic optimization strategies for three-dimensional conflict resolution of multiple aircraft},
- journal = {Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics},
- year = 2004,
- volume = 27,
- number = 4,
- pages = {586--594},
- publisher = {American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics}
- }
, - "An MPEC formulation for dynamic optimization of distillation operations", Computers & chemical engineering, Vol. 28, No. 10, pp. 2037-2052, 2004.BibTeX
- @Article{raghunathan2004mpec,
- author = {Raghunathan, Arvind U and Soledad Diaz, M and Biegler, Lorenz T},
- title = {An {MPEC} formulation for dynamic optimization of distillation operations},
- journal = {Computers & chemical engineering},
- year = 2004,
- volume = 28,
- number = 10,
- pages = {2037--2052},
- publisher = {Elsevier}
- }
, - "A comparison between mixed integer programming and nonlinear programming techniques for 3d conflict resolution of multiple aircraft," Tech. Rep., Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota, 2003.BibTeX
- @Techreport{borrelli2003comparison,
- author = {Borrelli, F and Subramanian, D and Raghunathan, AU and Biegler, LT and Samad, T},
- title = {A comparison between mixed integer programming and nonlinear programming techniques for 3d conflict resolution of multiple aircraft},
- institution = {Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota},
- year = 2003,
- address = {Minnesota, Minneapolis}
- }
, - "3D conflict resolution of multiple aircraft via dynamic optimization", AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit (AIAA), 2003.BibTeX
- @Inproceedings{raghunathan20033d,
- author = {Raghunathan, Arvind U and Gopal, Vipin and Subramanian, Dharmashankar and Biegler, Lorenz T and Samad, Tariq},
- title = {3D conflict resolution of multiple aircraft via dynamic optimization},
- booktitle = {AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit (AIAA)},
- year = 2003
- }
, - "Data reconciliation and parameter estimation in flux-balance analysis", Biotechnology and bioengineering, Vol. 84, No. 6, pp. 700-709, 2003.BibTeX
- @Article{raghunathan2003data,
- author = {Raghunathan, Arvind U and Perez-Correa, J Ricardo and Bieger, Lorenz T},
- title = {Data reconciliation and parameter estimation in flux-balance analysis},
- journal = {Biotechnology and bioengineering},
- year = 2003,
- volume = 84,
- number = 6,
- pages = {700--709},
- publisher = {Wiley Online Library}
- }
, - "Mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs) in process engineering", Computers & chemical engineering, Vol. 27, No. 10, pp. 1381-1392, 2003.BibTeX
- @Article{raghunathan2003mathematical,
- author = {Raghunathan, Arvind U and Biegler, Lorenz T},
- title = {Mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints ({MPEC}s) in process engineering},
- journal = {Computers & chemical engineering},
- year = 2003,
- volume = 27,
- number = 10,
- pages = {1381--1392},
- publisher = {Elsevier}
- }
, - "Barrier methods for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints (MPCCs)," Tech. Rep., Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Chemical Engineering, 2002.BibTeX
- @Techreport{raghunathan2002barrier,
- author = {Raghunathan, A and Biegler, LT},
- title = {Barrier methods for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints ({MPCC}s)},
- institution = {Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Chemical Engineering},
- year = 2002
- }
, - "MPEC formulations and algorithms in process engineering", Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 27, pp. 1381-1392, 2002.BibTeX
- @Article{raghunathan2002mpec,
- author = {Raghunathan, A and Biegler, LT},
- title = {{MPEC} formulations and algorithms in process engineering},
- journal = {Computers and Chemical Engineering},
- year = 2002,
- volume = 27,
- pages = {1381--1392}
- }
- "Global Optimization of Nonlinear Network Design", SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 268-295, 2013.
Software & Data Downloads
MERL Issued Patents
Title: "Systems and Methods for Group Elevator Scheduling Based on Quadratic Semi-Assignment Programs"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U
Patent No.: 12,077,412
Issue Date: Sep 3, 2024 -
Title: "System and Method for Robust Robotic Manipulation using Chance Constrained Optimization"
Inventors: Jha, Devesh; Raghunathan, Arvind U.; Romeres, Diego
Patent No.: 12,049,007
Issue Date: Jul 30, 2024 -
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U.; Jha, Devesh; Romeres, Diego
Patent No.: 11,883,962
Issue Date: Jan 30, 2024 -
Title: "Device for Controlling a System with Polynomial Dynamics"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U.; Nohra, Carlos
Patent No.: 11,782,402
Issue Date: Oct 10, 2023 -
Title: "Method and System for Circuiting in Heat Exchangers"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U; Laughman, Christopher
Patent No.: 11,704,447
Issue Date: Jul 18, 2023 -
Title: "System and Method for Policy Optimization using Quasi-Newton Trust Region Method"
Inventors: Jha, Devesh; Raghunathan, Arvind U; Romeres, Diego
Patent No.: 11,650,551
Issue Date: May 16, 2023 -
Title: "System and Method for Scheduling Multiple Modes of Transport with Incomplete Information"
Inventors: Serra, Thiago; Raghunathan, Arvind U; Bergman, David
Patent No.: 11,085,781
Issue Date: Aug 10, 2021 -
Title: "System and Method for Scheduling Electric Generators using Decision Diagrams"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U; Bergman, David; Hashimoto, Hiroyuki
Patent No.: 10,969,750
Issue Date: Apr 6, 2021 -
Title: "Systems and Methods for Resource Allocation for Management Systems"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U; Bergman, David; Sahinidis, Nikolaos V
Patent No.: 10,362,139
Issue Date: Jul 23, 2019 -
Title: "Decentralized Control of Electricity Passing through Electrical Grid"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U
Patent No.: 10,243,361
Issue Date: Mar 26, 2019 -
Title: "Optimizing Operations of Multiple Air-Conditioning Units"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U; Nikovski, Daniel N.
Patent No.: 10,161,649
Issue Date: Dec 25, 2018 -
Title: "System and Method for Group Elevator Scheduling Based on Submodular Optimization"
Inventors: Nikovski, Daniel N.; Raghunathan, Arvind U; Ramalingam, Srikumar
Patent No.: 10,118,796
Issue Date: Nov 6, 2018 -
Title: "Optimal Parameter Selection and Acceleration in ADMM for Multi-stage Stochastic Convex Quadratic Programs"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U; Di Cairano, Stefano
Patent No.: 9,760,534
Issue Date: Sep 12, 2017 -
Title: "Method for Solving Quadratic Programs for Convex Sets with Linear Equalities by an Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers with Optimized Step Sizes"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U; Di Cairano, Stefano
Patent No.: 9,753,892
Issue Date: Sep 5, 2017 -
Title: "Method for Determining Object Poses Using Weighted Features"
Inventors: Tuzel, Oncel; Liu, Ming-Yu; Taguchi, Yuichi; Raghunathan, Arvind U
Patent No.: 9,280,827
Issue Date: Mar 8, 2016 -
Title: "System and Method for Optimal Power Flow Analysis"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U; Nikovski, Daniel N.; Gopalakrishnan, Ajit
Patent No.: 9,280,744
Issue Date: Mar 8, 2016 -
Title: "Method for Optimizing Power Flows in Electric Power Networks"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U; Gopalakrishnan, Ajit; Nikovski, Daniel N.
Patent No.: 9,184,589
Issue Date: Nov 10, 2015 -
Title: "Method for Globally Optimizing Power Flows in Electric Networks"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U.; Nikovski, Daniel N.
Patent No.: 9,093,842
Issue Date: Jul 28, 2015 -
Title: "System and Method for Optimizing Energy Consumption in Railway Systems with Energy Storage Devices"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U.; Xu, Yunwen; Wada, Toshihiro; Ueda, Kenji; Takahashi, Satoru
Patent No.: 8,983,690
Issue Date: Mar 17, 2015 -
Title: "System and Method for Optimizing Energy Consumption in Railway Systems"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U; Wada, Toshihiro; Ueda, Kenji; Takahashi, Satoru
Patent No.: 8,831,801
Issue Date: Sep 9, 2014 -
Title: "Method for Optimizing Power Flows in Electric Power Networks"
Inventors: Raghunathan, Arvind U
Patent No.: 8,756,556
Issue Date: Jun 17, 2014
Title: "Systems and Methods for Group Elevator Scheduling Based on Quadratic Semi-Assignment Programs"