
Divert-feasible lunar landing under navigational uncertainty

    •  Lishkova, Y., Vinod, A.P., Di Cairano, S., Weiss, A., "Divert-feasible lunar landing under navigational uncertainty", 2024 Conference on Decision and Control, December 2024.
      BibTeX TR2024-174 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Lishkova2024dec,
      • author = {Lishkova, Yana and Vinod, Abraham P. and Di Cairano, Stefano and Weiss, Avishai}},
      • title = {Divert-feasible lunar landing under navigational uncertainty},
      • booktitle = {2024 Conference on Decision and Control},
      • year = 2024,
      • month = dec,
      • url = {}
      • }
  • MERL Contacts:
  • Research Areas:

    Control, Dynamical Systems


We develop a guidance policy for lunar landing under navigational uncertainty with feasible divert in the event a hazard is detected. Offline, we compute stochastic controllable sets under convexified dynamics and constraints that characterize the set of noisy state estimates from which the lander can be driven to a landing site with a pre-specified, sufficiently high probability. We establish that the sets computed for the convexified problem are inner-approximations of the true stochastic controllable sets. The controllable sets are parameterized by available fuel mass and length of trajectory, and provide a tractable method to quickly assess online whether a landing site is reachable. Numerical simulations demonstrate the efficacy of the approach.