News & Events

1,530 News items, Awards, Events and Talks related to MERL and its staff.

  •  TALK    [MERL Seminar Series 2021] Prof. Greg Ongie presents talk at MERL entitled Learning to Solve Inverse Problems in Computational Imaging: Recent Innovations
    Date & Time: Tuesday, October 12, 2021; 1:00 PM EST
    Speaker: Prof. Greg Ongie, Marquette University
    MERL Host: Hassan Mansour
    Research Areas: Computational Sensing, Machine Learning, Signal Processing
    • Deep learning is emerging as powerful tool to solve challenging inverse problems in computational imaging, including basic image restoration tasks like denoising and deblurring, as well as image reconstruction problems in medical imaging. This talk will give an overview of the state-of-the-art supervised learning techniques in this area and discuss two recent innovations: deep equilibrium architectures, which allows one to train an effectively infinite-depth reconstruction network; and model adaptation methods, that allow one to adapt a pre-trained reconstruction network to changes in the imaging forward model at test time.
  •  NEWS    Diego Romeres appointed as Associate Editor at ICRA 2022.
    Date: September 17, 2021 - October 31, 2021
    MERL Contact: Diego Romeres
    Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Control, Data Analytics, Dynamical Systems, Optimization, Robotics
    • Diego Romeres, a Principal Research Scientist in MERL's Data Analytics group, is serving as an Associate Editor (AE) for the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2022.
  •  TALK    [MERL Seminar Series 2021] Dr. Ruohan Gao presents talk at MERL entitled Look and Listen: From Semantic to Spatial Audio-Visual Perception
    Date & Time: Tuesday, September 28, 2021; 1:00 PM EST
    Speaker: Dr. Ruohan Gao, Stanford University
    MERL Host: Gordon Wichern
    Research Areas: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Speech & Audio
    • While computer vision has made significant progress by "looking" — detecting objects, actions, or people based on their appearance — it often does not listen. Yet cognitive science tells us that perception develops by making use of all our senses without intensive supervision. Towards this goal, in this talk I will present my research on audio-visual learning — We disentangle object sounds from unlabeled video, use audio as an efficient preview for action recognition in untrimmed video, decode the monaural soundtrack into its binaural counterpart by injecting visual spatial information, and use echoes to interact with the environment for spatial image representation learning. Together, these are steps towards multimodal understanding of the visual world, where audio serves as both the semantic and spatial signals. In the end, I will also briefly talk about our latest work on multisensory learning for robotics.
  •  NEWS    MERL Researcher Kyeong Jin Kim organizes a workshop in 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).
    Date: May 16, 2022 - May 20, 2022
    Where: 2022 IEEE ICC
    Research Areas: Communications, Signal Processing
    • Kyeong Jin Kim, a Senior Principal Research Scientist in the Signal Processing Group, organizes a workshop in 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). The workshop is titled, "Industrial Private 5G-and-beyond Wireless Networks," and aims to bring researchers for technical discussion on fundamental and practically relevant questions to many emerging challenges in industrial private wireless networks. This workshop is also being organized with the help of other researchers from Huawei Technology, Princeton University, Aalborg University, Jinan University, and South China University of Technology. IEEE ICC is one of two IEEE Communications Society's flagship conferences.
  •  TALK    [MERL Seminar Series 2021] Prof. David Bergman presents talk in MERL Seminar Series titled, Integration of Analytics Techniques for Algorithmic Sports Betting
    Date & Time: Tuesday, September 14, 2021; 1:00 PM EST
    Speaker: Prof. David Bergman, University of Connecticut
    MERL Host: Arvind Raghunathan
    Research Areas: Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Optimization
    • The integration of machine learning and optimization opens the door to new modeling paradigms that have already proven successful across a broad range of industries. Sports betting is a particularly exciting application area, where recent advances in both analytics and optimization can provide a lucrative edge. In this talk we will discuss three algorithmic sports betting games where combinations of machine learning and optimization have netted me significant winnings.
  •  NEWS    Anoop Cherian gave an invited talk at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bristol, UK
    Date: September 7, 2021
    MERL Contact: Anoop Cherian
    Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning
    • Anoop Cherian, a Principal Research Scientist in MERL's Computer Vision group, gave an invited virtual talk on "InSeGAN: An Unsupervised Approach to Identical Instance Segmentation" at the Visual Information Laboratory of University of Bristol, UK. The talk described a new approach to segmenting varied appearances of nearly identical 3D objects in depth images. More details of the talk can be found in the following paper, which will be presented at the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'21).
  •  NEWS    Mouhacine Benosman has been invited to speak at the data-centric engineering summit held at the Alan Turing Institute
    Date: September 22, 2021
    Where: The Alan Turing Institute
    Research Area: Dynamical Systems
    • Mouhacine Benosman will give a talk about merging physical models with data-driven and machine learning methods for real-world application. The talk will include results about data-driven auto-tuning for feedback controllers with application to power amplifiers, extremum seeking and Gaussian processes for reduction/estimation of fluid dynamics models with application to indoor airflow modeling, and safe reinforcement learning for safety-critical and Sim2Real applications.
  •  NEWS    Anthony Vetro delivers keynote on robotic manipulation at inaugural IEEE Conference on Autonomous Systems
    Date: August 12, 2021
    MERL Contact: Anthony Vetro
    Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Control, Dynamical Systems, Machine Learning, Optimization, Robotics
    • Anthony Vetro gave a keynote at the inaugural IEEE Conference on Autonomous Systems (ICAS), which was held virtually from August 11-13, 2021. The talk focused on challenges and recent progress in the area of robotic manipulation. The conference is sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) through the SPS Autonomous Systems Initiative.

      Abstract: Human-level manipulation continues to be beyond the capabilities of today’s robotic systems. Not only do current industrial robots require significant time to program a specific task, but they lack the flexibility to generalize to other tasks and be robust to changes in the environment. While collaborative robots help to reduce programming effort and improve the user interface, they still fall short on generalization and robustness. This talk will highlight recent advances in a number of key areas to improve the manipulation capabilities of autonomous robots, including methods to accurately model the dynamics of the robot and contact forces, sensors and signal processing algorithms to provide improved perception, optimization-based decision-making and control techniques, as well as new methods of interactivity to accelerate and enhance robot learning.
  •  NEWS    Keynote Speech by Dr. Petros Boufounos
    Date: August 5, 2021
    MERL Contact: Petros T. Boufounos
    Research Areas: Computational Sensing, Signal Processing
    • MERL's Distinguished Researcher Dr. Petros Boufounos is the keynote speaker for the Center for Advanced Signal and Image Sciences (CASIS) 25th Annual Workshop on Aug. 5, 2021, with talk titled, "The Computational Sensing Revolution in Array Processing."
  •  NEWS    MERL Congratulates Recipients of 2022 IEEE Technical Field Awards in Signal Processing
    Date: July 26, 2021
    MERL Contacts: Petros T. Boufounos; Jonathan Le Roux; Philip V. Orlik; Anthony Vetro
    Research Areas: Signal Processing, Speech & Audio
    • IEEE has announced that the recipients of the 2022 IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award will be Hervé Bourlard (EPFL/Idiap Research Institute) and Nelson Morgan (ICSI), "For contributions to neural networks for statistical speech recognition," and the recipient of the 2022 IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing will be Ali Sayed (EPFL), "For contributions to the theory and practice of adaptive signal processing." More details about the contributions of Prof. Bourlard and Prof. Morgan can be found in the announcements by ICSI and EPFL, and those of Prof. Sayed in EPFL's announcement. Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) has recently become the new sponsor of these two prestigious awards, and extends our warmest congratulations to all of the 2022 award recipients.

      The IEEE Board of Directors established the IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award in 2002 for outstanding contributions to the advancement of speech and/or audio signal processing, while the IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing was established in 2012 for outstanding contribution to the advancement of signal processing, other than in the areas of speech and audio processing. Both awards have recognized the contributions of some of the most renowned pioneers and leaders in their respective fields. MERL is proud to support the recognition of outstanding contributions to the signal processing field through its sponsorship of these awards.
  •  NEWS    MERL researchers Diego Romeres, Devesh Jha and Siddarth Jain co-organized a workshop on Robotic Manipulation at the RSS 2021 conference
    Date: July 13, 2021
    Where: Robotics: Science and Systems
    MERL Contacts: Siddarth Jain; Devesh K. Jha; Diego Romeres
    Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics
    • MERL researchers Diego Romeres, Devesh Jha, and Siddarth Jain together with research groups at MIT, NVIDIA, NIST, TUM, Google DeepMind, ETH Zurich, Google AI, and UMASS Lowell organized a workshop at the Robotics: Science and Systems 2021 conference. The workshop was on "Advancing Artificial Intelligence and Manipulation for Robotics: Understanding Gaps, Industry and Academic Perspectives, and Community Building". The workshop had a list of excellent speakers both from academia and industry. Recording of the talks and of the panel discussion can be found in the link below.
  •  NEWS    MERL researcher co-edits a special issue on Extremum Seeking Control in the International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
    Date: July 14, 2021
    Research Area: Dynamical Systems
    • Mouhacine Benosman co-edits a special issue on Extremum Seeking Control in the International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing.

      The issue contains some of the newest theoretical developments on continuous-time optimizers, known as extremum seekers, with applications ranging from microalgae cultivation control to heating and ventilation systems optimization.

      The special issue is available at:
  •  NEWS    MERL becomes new sponsor of two prestigious IEEE Technical Field Awards in Signal Processing
    Date: July 9, 2021
    MERL Contacts: Petros T. Boufounos; Jonathan Le Roux; Philip V. Orlik; Anthony Vetro
    Research Areas: Signal Processing, Speech & Audio
    • Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) has become the new sponsor of two prestigious IEEE Technical Field Awards in Signal Processing, the IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award and the IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing, for the years 2022-2031. "MERL is proud to support the recognition of outstanding contributions to signal processing by sponsoring both the IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award and the IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing. These awards celebrate the creativity and innovation in the field that touch many aspects of our lives and drive our society forward" said Dr. Anthony Vetro, VP and Director at MERL.

      The IEEE Board of Directors established the IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award in 2002 for outstanding contributions to the advancement of speech and/or audio signal processing, while the IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing was established in 2012 for outstanding contribution to the advancement of signal processing, other than in the areas of speech and audio processing. Both awards have since recognized the contributions of some of the most renowned pioneers and leaders in their respective fields.

      By underwriting these IEEE Technical Field Awards, MERL continues to make a mark by supporting the advancement of technology that makes lasting changes in the world.
  •  NEWS    Rien Quirynen and Karl Berntorp to deliver keynote at IFAC NMPC 2021 Conference
    Date: July 12, 2021
    Research Areas: Control, Dynamical Systems, Optimization
    • MERL researcher Rien Quirynen will present work in collaboration with Karl Berntorp on "Uncertainty Propagation by Linear Regression Kalman Filters for Stochastic Nonlinear MPC" as a keynote speaker at the 7th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control 2021 on July, 12th. The paper is 1 out of 5 keynote presentations chosen among more than 50 accepted papers at the conference. An abstract of the talk can be found in the link below.
  •  NEWS    Arvind Raghunathan joins editorial board of Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
    Date: June 21, 2021
    MERL Contact: Arvind Raghunathan
    Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Optimization
    • Arvind Raghunathan has accepted an invitation to serve on the editorial board of Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (JOTA).

      JOTA is devoted to the publication of carefully selected high quality regular papers, invited papers, survey papers, technical notes, book notices, and forums that cover mathematical optimization techniques, computational methodologies of optimization algorithms and their applications to science, engineering, and business. Typical theoretical areas include linear, nonlinear, discrete, stochastic, and dynamic optimization. Among the areas of application covered are mathematical economics, mathematical physics and biology, all areas of engineering, and novel areas, such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing optimization.
  •  NEWS    MERL and Mitsubishi Electric U.S. participating in International Microwave Symposium Week 2021
    Date: June 18, 2021
    Research Areas: Electronic and Photonic Devices, Machine Learning, Signal Processing
    • During the 2021 International Microwave Symposium Week (June 20-25), Rui Ma will give an invited talk on MERL's recent power amplifiers research at an IMS Technical Workshop to be held on June 21st, titled "From Digital to Intelligent: Advancement of MISO Power Amplifiers by Machine Learning".

      IMS is the annual flagship conference of IEEE MTT-S (Microwave Theory and Techniques Society) and the centerpiece of Microwave Week. It is the largest gathering of RF/Microwave professionals in the world and combines multiple technical conferences with the biggest commercial exhibitions for the microwave industry.

      Mitsubishi Electric U.S. (MEUS) will also host an online interactive booth to showcase our latest high-frequency Semiconductor & Device products at IMS week.

      More detailed information can be found at the Mitsubishi Electric booth.
  •  NEWS    Mitsubishi Electric and MERL Help Develop IEEE Smart Meter Coexistence Standards
    Date: April 23, 2021
    MERL Contacts: Jianlin Guo; Philip V. Orlik
    Research Areas: Communications, Electric Systems
    • IoT applications such as smart metering system are rapidly increasing. A broad range of low power wide area communication technologies have been developed. These systems all operate in frequencies below 1 GHz, commonly called Sub-1 GHz frequency bands, to meet various application requirements. Several communication standards and proprietary technologies already use the Sub-1 GHz bands: IEEE 802.15.4g (Wi-SUN), IEEE 802.11ah (Wi-Fi HaLow), LoRa, SigFox and RFID. Due to limited spectrum in the Sub-1 GHz frequency bands, it is likely that applications will compete for the same resources and interfere with one another. This is a particular issue in Japan where the amount of license-exempt Sub-1 GHz frequencies is more limited than in other regulatory regions. Therefore, the coexistence becomes an issue to be addressed. Accordingly, IEEE New Standards Committee and Standard Board formed IEEE 802.19.3 Task Group in 2018 to develop guidelines and best practices for the coexistence of IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15.4 based systems and to guide product deployment. MERL member Jianlin Guo took a lead role as Task Group Technical Editor, and was supported by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation researchers Yukimasa Nagai, Takenori Sumi and consultant Benjamin A. Rolfe (Task Group Chair) in the development of this standard. As of April 2021 a new standard recommended practice document, IEEE Recommended Practice for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Part 19: Coexistence Methods for IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15.4 Based Systems Operating in the Sub‐1 GHz Frequency Bands, was published. This will help guide future IoT/smart metering system deployment. The standard is widely available for download from the IEEE Standards Association at
  •  NEWS    Karl Berntorp gave an invited lecture at University of Houston
    Date: April 22, 2021
    Where: Houston, Texas
    Research Areas: Control, Dynamical Systems, Robotics, Signal Processing
    • The invited seminar "System Design, Planning, and Control for Autonomous Driving" was part of the Distinguished Seminar series at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston, Houston, Tx. The invited lecture described MERL research related to the different system components involved in autonomous driving, with particular focus on motion-planning and predictive-control methods.
  •  NEWS    Research on Intelligent Power Amplifier is Cover Story of Microwave Journal
    Date: April 15, 2021
    Research Areas: Communications, Electronic and Photonic Devices, Machine Learning
    • The cover article in the April issue of Microwave Journal features MERL and MELCO's invited paper entitled "A New Frontier for Power Amplifiers Enabled by Machine Learning". Our recent research applying ML for optimizing operating conditions of advanced power amplifier designs is highlighted.

      Since 1958, Microwave Journal has been the leading source for information about RF and Microwave technology, design techniques, news, events and educational information. Microwave Journal reaches 50,000 qualified readers monthly with a print magazine that has a global reach.
  •  NEWS    Ankush Chakrabarty gave an invited talk at University of Illinois at Chicago
    Date: April 9, 2021
    MERL Contact: Ankush Chakrabarty
    Research Areas: Control, Machine Learning, Multi-Physical Modeling, Optimization
    • Ankush Chakrabarty, a Research Scientist at MERL's Multiphysical Systems (MS) Team, gave an invited talk on "Learning for Control and Estimation using Digital Twins" at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar Series organized at UIC. The talk proposed new learning-based control/estimation architectures that can utilize simulation data obtained from digital twins to add self-optimization and constraint-enforcement features to grey/black-box control systems.
  •  NEWS    Invited talk at University of Leeds
    Date: April 7, 2021
    Where: Online
    MERL Contact: Devesh K. Jha
    Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics
    • Devesh Jha, a Principal Research Scientist in MERL's Data Analytics group, gave an invited talk at the robotics seminar series at the University of Leeds. The talk presented some of the recent work done at MERL in the areas of robotic manipulation and robot learning.
  •  NEWS    Karl Berntorp gave an invited lecture at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Linköping University
    Date: April 6, 2021
    Where: Linköping University, Sweden
    Research Areas: Control, Dynamical Systems, Robotics
    • MERL researcher Karl Berntorp was invited to give a lecture in the ELLIIT PhD course "Motion Planning and Control" at the Division of Vehicular Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University. The course is open for Ph.D. students as well as senior undergraduate students, and covers both fundamental algorithms and state-of-the-art methods for motion planning and control. The invited lecture described MERL research on the use of invariant sets for safe motion planning and control, with application to autonomous vehicles.
  •  NEWS    Diego Romeres appointed as an Associate Editor for IROS 2021
    Date: March 14, 2021 - April 20, 2021
    Where: IROS
    MERL Contact: Diego Romeres
    Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Robotics
    • Diego Romeres, a Principal Research Scientist in MERL's Data Analytics group, is serving as an Associate Editor (AE) for the 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021).
  •  NEWS    Stefano Di Cairano joins the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles
    Date: March 7, 2021
    MERL Contact: Stefano Di Cairano
    Research Areas: Control, Dynamical Systems, Robotics
    • Stefano Di Cairano has joined the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (T-IV) as an Associate Editor. The IEEE T-IV publishes peer-reviewed articles in the area of intelligent vehicles in a roadway environment, and in particular in automated vehicles. While primarily led by the IEEE ITS Society, IEEE T-IV is an IEEE multi-society journal.
      As Associate Editor Stefano will be responsible for the review process of some of the papers submitted to T-IV and will work with the Editorial Board to monitor the status and continuously strengthen the journal.
  •  NEWS    Diego Romeres gave an invited talk at the Autonomy Talks at ETH, Zurich.
    Date: February 15, 2021
    Where: Virtual
    MERL Contact: Diego Romeres
    Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics
    • Diego Romeres, a Principal Research Scientist in MERL's Data Analytics group, gave the invited talk "Reinforcement Learning for Robotics" at the Autonomy Talks organized at ETH, Zurich. In the presentation, some directions to apply Model-based Reinforcement Learning algorithms to real-world applications are presented together with a novel MBRL algorithm called MC-PILCO. The link to the presentation is