
Robust Frame-to-Frame Camera Rotation Estimation in Crowded Scenes

    •  Delattre, F., Dirnfeld, D., Nguyen, P., Scarano, S., Jones, M.J., Miraldo, P., Learned-Miller, E., "Robust Frame-to-Frame Camera Rotation Estimation in Crowded Scenes", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), DOI: 10.1109/​ICCV51070.2023.00894, October 2023, pp. 3715-3724.
      BibTeX TR2023-123 PDF Video Software
      • @inproceedings{Delattre2023oct,
      • author = {Delattre, Fabien and Dirnfeld, David and Nguyen, Phat and Scarano, Stephen and Jones, Michael J. and Miraldo, Pedro and Learned-Miller, Erik},
      • title = {Robust Frame-to-Frame Camera Rotation Estimation in Crowded Scenes},
      • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
      • year = 2023,
      • pages = {3715--3724},
      • month = oct,
      • publisher = {IEEE/CVF},
      • doi = {10.1109/ICCV51070.2023.00894},
      • issn = {2380-7504},
      • isbn = {979-8-3503-0718-4},
      • url = {}
      • }
  • MERL Contacts:
  • Research Area:

    Computer Vision


We present an approach to estimating camera rotation in crowded, real-world scenes from handheld monocular video. While camera rotation estimation is a well-studied problem, no previous methods exhibit both high accuracy and acceptable speed in this setting. Because the setting is not addressed well by other datasets, we provide a new dataset and benchmark, with high-accuracy, rigorously verified ground truth, on 17 video sequences. Methods developed for wide baseline stereo (e.g., 5-point methods) perform poorly on monocular video. On the other hand, methods used in autonomous driving (e.g., SLAM) lever- age specific sensor setups, specific motion models, or lo- cal optimization strategies (lagging batch processing) and do not generalize well to handheld video. Finally, for dynamic scenes, commonly used robustification techniques like RANSAC require large numbers of iterations, and be- come prohibitively slow. We introduce a novel generalization of the Hough transform on SO(3) to efficiently and ro- bustly find the camera rotation most compatible with op- tical flow. Among comparably fast methods, ours reduces error by almost 50% over the next best, and is more ac- curate than any method, irrespective of speed. This repre- sents a strong new performance point for crowded scenes, an important setting for computer vision. The code and the dataset are available at rotation-estimation.


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    •  NEWS    MERL researchers presenting four papers and organizing the VLAR-SMART101 Workshop at ICCV 2023
      Date: October 2, 2023 - October 6, 2023
      Where: Paris/France
      MERL Contacts: Moitreya Chatterjee; Anoop Cherian; Michael J. Jones; Toshiaki Koike-Akino; Suhas Lohit; Tim K. Marks; Pedro Miraldo; Kuan-Chuan Peng; Ye Wang
      Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning
      • MERL researchers are presenting 4 papers and organizing the VLAR-SMART-101 workshop at the ICCV 2023 conference, which will be held in Paris, France October 2-6. ICCV is one of the most prestigious and competitive international conferences in computer vision. Details are provided below.

        1. Conference paper: “Steered Diffusion: A Generalized Framework for Plug-and-Play Conditional Image Synthesis,” by Nithin Gopalakrishnan Nair, Anoop Cherian, Suhas Lohit, Ye Wang, Toshiaki Koike-Akino, Vishal Patel, and Tim K. Marks

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        2. Conference paper: "BANSAC: A dynamic BAyesian Network for adaptive SAmple Consensus," by Valter Piedade and Pedro Miraldo

        We derive a dynamic Bayesian network that updates individual data points' inlier scores while iterating RANSAC. At each iteration, we apply weighted sampling using the updated scores. Our method works with or without prior data point scorings. In addition, we use the updated inlier/outlier scoring for deriving a new stopping criterion for the RANSAC loop. Our method outperforms the baselines in accuracy while needing less computational time.

        3. Conference paper: "Robust Frame-to-Frame Camera Rotation Estimation in Crowded Scenes," by Fabien Delattre, David Dirnfeld, Phat Nguyen, Stephen Scarano, Michael J. Jones, Pedro Miraldo, and Erik Learned-Miller

        We present a novel approach to estimating camera rotation in crowded, real-world scenes captured using a handheld monocular video camera. Our method uses a novel generalization of the Hough transform on SO3 to efficiently find the camera rotation most compatible with the optical flow. Because the setting is not addressed well by other data sets, we provide a new dataset and benchmark, with high-accuracy and rigorously annotated ground truth on 17 video sequences. Our method is more accurate by almost 40 percent than the next best method.

        4. Workshop paper: "Tensor Factorization for Leveraging Cross-Modal Knowledge in Data-Constrained Infrared Object Detection" by Manish Sharma*, Moitreya Chatterjee*, Kuan-Chuan Peng, Suhas Lohit, and Michael Jones

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        5. “Vision-and-Language Algorithmic Reasoning (VLAR) Workshop and SMART-101 Challenge” by Anoop Cherian,  Kuan-Chuan Peng, Suhas Lohit, Tim K. Marks, Ram Ramrakhya, Honglu Zhou, Kevin A. Smith, Joanna Matthiesen, and Joshua B. Tenenbaum

        MERL researchers along with researchers from MIT, GeorgiaTech, Math Kangaroo USA, and Rutgers University are jointly organizing a workshop on vision-and-language algorithmic reasoning at ICCV 2023 and conducting a challenge based on the SMART-101 puzzles described in the paper: Are Deep Neural Networks SMARTer than Second Graders?. A focus of this workshop is to bring together outstanding faculty/researchers working at the intersections of vision, language, and cognition to provide their opinions on the recent breakthroughs in large language models and artificial general intelligence, as well as showcase their cutting edge research that could inspire the audience to search for the missing pieces in our quest towards solving the puzzle of artificial intelligence.

        Workshop link:
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  • Related Publication

  •  Delattre, F., Dirnfeld, D., Nguyen, P., Scarano, S., Miraldo, P., Jones, M.J., Learned-Miller, E., "Robust Frame-to-Frame Camera Rotation Estimation in Crowded Scenes", arXiv, October 2023.
    BibTeX arXiv
    • @article{Delattre2023oct2,
    • author = {Delattre, Fabien and Dirnfeld, David and Nguyen, Phat and Scarano, Stephen and Miraldo, Pedro and Jones, Michael J. and Learned-Miller, Erik},
    • title = {Robust Frame-to-Frame Camera Rotation Estimation in Crowded Scenes},
    • journal = {arXiv},
    • year = 2023,
    • month = oct,
    • url = {}
    • }